Cookie Policy
Our site is easy and intuitive also thanks to the cookies.
Cookies are small portions of data that web server furnishes to the device of navigation of the consumer (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) to allow the use of our services. Besides the information produced by the use of the cookies allow us to optimize the pages and our technical infrastructures, improving so the navigation of the site,
Our site doesn’t directly produce a profile cookie: that cookies creates profiles of the consumer and is used for sending advertising messages in line with the preferences manifested online by the consumer through its choices of navigation.
However, our site can contain link, services, images or multi-media components from third parts that can produce their own cookies on which we cannot have the direct control.
The types of cookie we use
Technical cookies
The technical cookies have the only purpose to guarantee the transmission of the communication between the consumer and the site on the Internet, in the necessary measure tightly to assure the best possible quality of our service.
The cookies directly produced by our site pick up data memorized on servers in the Italian territory.
Data related to the cookies are entirely managed inside our site and they are not surrendered to third.
Technical cookies managed by our site as single information or as aggregated data can be used in three ways:
- Creation of the pages of the website These cookies are essential to explore the whole site and to use all its functionalities; they for example allow the access the areas devoted to subscribed consumers, the subscribe to the site, the login, the use of possible electronic cart and relative form of payment online, etc.
The simple visualization of a page and other necessary services cannot be enjoyed without these cookies. - For the analysis and the management of the performances of the site These cookies pick up information on as the consumers use a site web noticing, for instance, what pages are more visited or if error messages have been produced by pages, but they don’t pick up information that identify the visitor.
- All the information picked through these cookies are aggregated and therefore anonymous. The purpose is to improve the operation of a site web and the experience of navigation of the visitors.
- For the management and the analysis of the functionalities This typology of cookie allows to remember the choices done by consumer inside our site to furnish personalized functionality. They for example allow to remember the changes brought to the dimension of the text.
They can also be used for furnishing services required by the visitor as looking at a video or at the comments on a blog.
The information picked up by these types of cookie are made anonymous and not usable for checking your activity of navigation on other websites.
Cookie e third-part services
In this website, there are web services and link of third parts too, for example the buttons for YouTube and Facebook, that potentially can put cookies in the electronic device of the consumer when clicks come.
Keep in mind that the informative on the use of the cookies doesn’t concern the links in the website that address third-part websites.
We recommend therefore to read the informative about the privacy that can be found in the other websites, consulting the next links in this page.
For further information related to content furnished by third-parts here in our site (link, images, multi-media components, etc), you can read the following paragraphs.
We want to underline as some information are not received by the respective providers of third-part services related to the data eventually recovered by the same. In some cases united statistics will entirely be furnished, and therefore anonymous, necessary only to the count of the services of third-parts from us purchased.
Google Analytics
This site web uses Google Analytics, a service of web analysis furnished by Google Inc. ( “Google”). The components of Google Analytics inserted in our site can use some cookies directly produced by Google Inc’s servers and its partners. As publisher of the site we are not able to furnish a suitable informative about the use of the cookies from the provider of the service.
We suggest you to check the following link:
Google Inc. makes a plugin available for some browsers that it prevents the survey of cookies from Google Analytics.
For more infos, check the following link:
YouTube button and social widgets
In the site are included videos, buttons and other social widgets of the YouTube service from YouTube, LLC. These components can use some cookies directly produced Youtube’s servers and its partners. As publisher we are not able to furnish a suitable informative about the use of the cookies from the provider of the service.
See more about this topic in this link:
Facebook button and social widgets
This website contains buttons and widget for the sharing of contents on the social network Facebook, 1601 South California Avenue, Tall Pole, CA 94304, U.S.A. These components can use some cookies directly produced by the Facebook’s servers and its partners. As publisher we are not able to furnish a suitable informative about the use of the cookies from the provider of the service.
See more about this topic in this link: (linguistic option on the bottom of the page).
Twitter button and social widgets
The site Web also includes functions for the provider Twitter, offered by Twitter Inc., 795 Folsoms St, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, U.S.A. These components can use some cookies directly produced by the Twitter’s servers and its partners. As publisher we are not able to furnish a suitable informative about the use of the cookies from the provider of the service.
See more about this topic in this link:
If you’re a twitter consumer, it is possible to directly modify the formulations of guardianship of the data from the proper account following the link:
+1 Buttons, Google+ social widgets
The site Web also includes functions for the provider Google inc, particularly the button +1 and the social widgets of Google+, services of interaction with the social network Google+, furnished by Google Inc. These components can use some cookies directly produced by Google Inc’s servers and its partners. As publisher we are not able to furnish a suitable informative about some provider of the service.
See more about this topic in this link:
Negation of the consent: disable of the cookies
Currently it is not possible to disable in selective way our technical cookies. In remuneration it is possible to disarm them completely. As it regards the third-part cookies make reference to the links furnished in the preceding paragraphs for a selective disable, where possible.
In case you wanted to deny the consent of installation of the cookies produced by our site it is necessary to customize the formulation of your own computer or device planning, if anticipated, the cancellation of all the cookies or activating a message of notice when the cookies are memorized.
Visit the site for more infos about cookies and how they influence your experience of navigation.
It’s important to remember you that the disable of cookies could prevent to use you some, if not all, functions or sections of this site.
How to handle cookies on your PC
For cookie management we recommend you to make reference to developers of this site, since these continually change due to the version of the installed software, particularly:
- Internet Explorer (
- Firefox (
- Chrome (
- Safari (
Accept cookie installation
Using our site without modify your own browser configurations related to the disable of cookies, the consumer accepts that all cookies, including those of third parts, can be installed on its own device.